Make a Donation

Your generosity fuels our mission of faith, community service, and spreading God's love in tangible ways.

Follow the Funds

Your direct contributions to Pursuit Worship remain entirely with us, fueling our mission to plant the church and spread the Gospel right here in our community. However, when you give tithes to the local conference, here is an example of how $100 is distributed...

Local Conference

This portion supports the local conference, helping fund regional ministries, pastoral salaries, and the local community's specific needs.

Defined Benefit Retirement

This is allocated for the Defined Benefit Retirement plan, ensuring a secure and stable future for our dedicated pastors and church workers.

Union Conferences

This contribution aids the Union Conferences in overseeing and supporting the church's wider regional operations and initiatives.

North American Division

These funds assist the North American Division in their mission to guide and develop the church's work across North America, including evangelism and educational efforts.

General Conference

This portion goes to the General Conference, supporting the global mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, including worldwide evangelism and humanitarian projects.

Learn More

God is so good to us and promises to be our shelter even during difficult times! Even though His blessings involve far more than a financial income, He only expects us to bring Him tithes and offerings after he blesses us.

Fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ Together