Inside Out

Inside Out

Amidst life's unseen struggles, remember you're not alone – seeking help, whether through faith, counseling, or a simple conversation, can be your first step towards strength!

I was at the hotel gym this morning, running on the treadmill.

When I finished my mile, a guy not much older than myself said "When I grow up, I want to be like you."

I smiled and thanked him—it's nice to get complimented. But at the same time it made me think about only seeing the good stuff. He hadn't seen me not running but 1 other time this month. He hadn't seen me almost not get out of bed or how upset my stomach was the night before. He just saw the outside. He just saw me finish.

I don't want everyone to see my battles, but sometimes people need to know that we have struggles. Sometimes we need to find help for our struggles.  We all have internal struggles that most people don't see. Sometimes those battles are worse then others. But I want to encourage you all: if your struggle is too much to bare find help! And yes, I find my help in Jesus—He always picks me up! But sometimes we also need counseling and that's good! It's better to find help, then fight through things alone.

You are not alone! Matthew 28:20 (NLT): And be sure of this:I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Talk about it.

Just talking about it can be really helpful.

Everyone has struggles, and it's important to remind yourself that you're not alone. You should never feel like you have to hide your pain or pretend everything is okay when it's not. It's okay to ask for help! You can also talk to a counselor or someone you trust. Sometimes talking to someone who doesn't know the situation can be really helpful because they can give you an outsider’s point of view.

1 in 4 people in America are dealing with some form of depression. You are not alone. But the good news is there is help.

And don't worry, I don't look that good on a treadmill. And I will plan on exercising tomorrow, but it may not happen, because the reality is I am not perfect. I don't always stick to my goals. But I am trying. Even if your not awesome, just keep trying. I believe you can do this.  

Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. If you ever need help: There is a new number you can call for live help. call 211 or click the link below to start looking for help.

If you want to know more about how God can help you. send me an email and we can talk about how you can develop a relationship with the God who cares.